For information or friendly advice call 01386 553614 or 07779 071552
Our Services
As well as chimney sweeping and end of tenancy sweeps we also carry out wood burning stove maintenance and fit carbon monoxide alarms. We can also carry out bird nest removal and fit bird guards and cowls where required.
Carbon Monoxide Alarms
Be Carbon Monoxide aware! We offer expert advice, supplying and fitting a wide range of Carbon Monoxide alarms. Supply and fit prices from £35.00
Bird Nest Removal
Nesting season is mid March until August or when the chicks have fledged. Signs of nesting are twigs at the bottom of the chimney; a lot of activity around the pot; the chimney becomes quiet.
If you suspect nesting do not try to burn it out but get a professional chimney sweep in to remove it. Then immediately fit a proper bird guard.
Bird Guards and Cowls
Whether you have a used or disused chimney, a bird guard or cowl is necessary to prevent bird or squirrel entry and possible nesting. A cowl can prevent rain falling through the chimney and causing less heat efficiency in your home. A cowl can also prevent down draft, causing smoke to enter your room because of where your chimney is situated (ie. close to other tall buildings or Trees).
All potential issues relating to the above can be discussed and rectified. Please contact us and we will assess and recommend the correct type of bird guard or cowl needed for your particular situation.
Call 01386 553614 or 07779 071552 for free advice and free quotation.